Specific first and second pass scoring

A frequent situation consists in a long repeated score, but the last few bars are different at first pass and at second pass. This can be specified by saying normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\setprimavolta or normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\setsecondavolta2.19 before the next normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\barre or repeat (usually normalshapemediumseries\rightrepeatsymbol). For example :

...\Notes\qu {ijkl}\enotes
\NOTes\wh j\enotes

has been coded as:

 \Notes\qu {ghij}\enotes
 \Notes\qu {hijk}\enotes
 \Notes\qu {ijkl}\enotes
 \NOTes\wh j\enotes

The ``prima volta'' and ``seconda volta'' symbols are normally set at normalshapemediumseries 2normalshapemediumseries\Interligne above the upper line of the staff, and one centimeter wide. If the music typesetter does not like that, he can issue for example:


where the first argument is the vertical offset, and the second one is the length of the upper horizontal line. A symmetrical feature is normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\Setsecondavolta with also two dimension arguments.

Note that these special settings are only valid for one usage; after that, they are reset to the standard values.